I. Introductory Provisions

1.1. These general terms and conditions are issued by the trading company Best School Company s.r.o., IČ: 06603289, with registered office at Na Moráni 360/3, Prague 2 – Nové Město, 128 00, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file 285272, email: info@bestschool.cz (hereinafter also “Bestschool”).
1.2. These general terms and conditions (hereinafter also referred to as “terms and conditions” or “GTC”) govern the rights and obligations between us as a service provider and you as their customer and customer. These General Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the contract concluded between us and you regarding the provision of services (training, workshop, webinar, seminar and other services according to our current offer), whether the contract is concluded via means of remote communication (e-mail, online orders , using access to pages, etc.) or in writing. The moment you place your order, you are bound by these terms and conditions and confirm that you have familiarized yourself with their content, accept them without reservation and agree with them.

II. Ordering services

2.1. Select the required services from our offer, fill out the order form and send the order. The order is sent through the interface on the website. Before sending the order, properly check its content and the correctness of the information provided by you. If you provide any incorrect, incomplete, false or misleading information, we are not obliged to accept the order and we are not responsible for fulfilling such an order.

Services are divided into several categories:
“recorded action”: webinar, “guide”
“live event”: seminar, course, live webinar, training

2.2. After sending the order, we will confirm its receipt in the form of an email message, by phone, in person or in another way. With this confirmation, the order is not yet accepted by us and there is no obligation to fulfill it. The provisions of § 1732, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code shall not apply. You will be informed about the receipt (acceptance) of the order by us with another separate message or confirmation. The obligation to perform for us arises only at the moment of payment of the price for the given service. The content of the confirmation will also be these GTC, or any other terms of the contract.

2.3. No later than 4 (four) working days before the agreed start of our performance, you are obliged to provide us with all documents and information that are necessary for the proper provision of the ordered services (these are always listed in the description of the service in our current offer). Otherwise, we are not responsible for delays, the impossibility of providing services or incomplete fulfillment of the content of the order.


III.Scope Limitations and Other Terms

3.1. In order to provide the highest possible quality of our services, we reserve the right to limit the range of people to whom the services will be provided (especially the number of participants in seminars, workshops, etc.), as well as the right not to accept all orders made. In the event that circumstances beyond our control make it impossible or limit the possibility of providing our services listed in the confirmed order, we will inform you in time to discuss an alternative solution or to cancel the order.

3.2. In case of any inappropriate behavior of the participant of the seminar, workshop, etc. or persons to whom services are provided, as a result of which the proper course of training or provision of services would be threatened or restricted or the property and health of the persons involved would be endangered, the representative of Bestschool is entitled to expel such person immediately and without any compensation. In this case, there is no claim for a refund.

3.3. The subscriber of the services is not authorized to distribute, copy or record the provided materials (in any form, whether written, image or audiovisual) and documents in any way.
All texts, images, graphics and other parts of the content are subject to copyright. Copying of any part of the webinar / video-seminar is strictly prohibited. No reproduction of any part of the webinar / video-seminar may be sold or distributed for commercial gain, nor may it be modified or incorporated into any other work, publication or website. We will proactively enforce our intellectual property rights to the fullest extent permitted by law, including prosecution for serious violations.


IV. Cancellation fees

4.1. Cancellation of the ordered service from the live category (see 2.1.) is possible only in writing or by e-mail and under the following conditions:
4.1.1. we accept free cancellation 7 calendar days after payment of the activity deposit (e.g. training, seminar, etc.),
4.1.2 in the event of cancellation of participation within more than 7 calendar days after the start of the implementation, a fee of 50% of the price of the deposit for the training is charged,
4.1.3 in case of cancellation of participation within more than 30 calendar days after the start of implementation, a fee of 100% of the price of the deposit for the training is charged.
4.1.4 Bestschool has the right to waive the cancellation fee at any time for justified reasons.
4.2. By placing an order, the customer – consumer explicitly confirms that he is aware of the fact that:
(i) in the case of services from the “live” category (as defined in Article 2.1.), does not have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days in accordance with the provisions of § 1837 letter j OZ, as it is a performance from a contract on the use of free time provided on a certain date;
(ii) and in the case of “action from the record” does not have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days according to the provisions of § 1837 letter l), as it concerns the delivery of digital content that is not delivered on a physical medium and the performance will begin immediately after the conclusion of the contract (the content will be made available immediately), which occurred with the prior express consent of the consumer, who was also informed and is aware of the loss right of withdrawal within 14 days in this case.

We do not give entrepreneurs the option of withdrawing from the contract, but you can use the above cancellation conditions.

4.3. In case of non-participation in the “live event” (see 2.1.) without a prior written request for cancellation, the customer loses the right to a refund of the fee for the given event, or the customer will be charged the relevant price in full.
4.4. A substitute cannot be sent to the “live action”.

4.5. If the “live event” is canceled by the provider, the participant will be refunded in full. Bestschool reserves the right to change the program, event date, venue and lecturer. He is obliged to inform the participant about these facts in time before the start of the event, either by phone, via WhatsApp Messenger or by e-mail. Based on these changes, the participant is not subject to any cancellation conditions.

V. Price of services and maturity. Payment terms.

5.1. The price of services is listed directly on the website https://bestschool.cz

5.2. In the case of some specific services, the price depends on the specifics of the order, in which case such a price outside the criteria of the current price list will be communicated to you in a message sent by us with a request for its acceptance by you within 3 working days. In the event that we do not receive confirmation of your agreement with such a price within 3 working days of sending the message, the order is considered canceled and there is no obligation to fulfill it or to pay the price.
5.3. Prices are given in Czech crowns without VAT, unless otherwise stated.
5.4. By sending the order, you agree to the price stated in the offer or price list for the ordered service.
5.5. The price is payable on the basis of an invoice with a maturity of 3 working days, as indicated on the invoice or directly when ordering via https://bestschool.cz and paying cashless via the banking system (payment card, ApplePay, GooglePay, bank transfer).

5.6. Payment can be made by bank transfer against the issued invoice or by online card using payment gateways.

Online payments for us are handled by the PayU payment gateway. Service provider, PayU S.A. https://czech.payu.com/platebni-brana/ PayU provides Services based on the permission of the Polish Commission
Financial Market Supervision (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego) to the activity of the payment institution. Payments made through the payment gateway are fully secured and all information is encrypted.
Contact information for PayU S.A. for any complaints or questions about payments:
PayU S.A.
Grunwaldzka 186, 60-166, Poznan, Poland, office in the Czech Republic Na Strži 61a, 140 00 Prague 4
Databox: x9z562t

Online payments for us are handled by the payment gateway Comgate. Service provider, Comgate a.s. https://www.comgate.cz/cz/platebni-brana is a licensed Payment Institution operating under the supervision of the Czech National Bank. Payments made through the payment gateway are fully secured and all information is encrypted.
Contact information for Comgate, a.s. for any complaints or questions about payments:
Comgate, a.s.
Gočárova třída 1754 / 48b, Hradec Králové
E-mail: payment-podpora@comgate.cz
Phone: +420 228 224 267

5.7 Online payments for us are handled by the Comgate payment gateway. Service provider, Comgate a.s. is a licensed Payment Institution operating under the supervision of the Czech National Bank. Payments made through the payment gateway are fully secured and all information is encrypted. Further information and contacts at www.comgate.cz.

5.8 The customer pays the deposit when signing the contract using payment via a payment link
(so-called payment link) of the payment gateway or by bank transfer in accordance with the terms of the contract. The following payments will be made by the customer according to the terms of the contract.

VI. Complaint

6.1. Complaints about any of the services can be made in writing by email to the address info@bestschool.cz. We are responsible for the fact that the training (service) has no defects, i.e. that the service will have the characteristics that we have agreed upon and, in the absence of such an agreement, then such characteristics that we have described or that you could expect with regard to the nature of the service and fit for the purpose we state.
In the complaint, state your contact, what and why you are complaining, prove that we have provided you with a service and indicate how you wish to handle the complaint. You can request, according to your choice, the removal of the defect by the delivery of a new or missing service, a reasonable discount on the price, or a refund of the price based on withdrawal from the contract.
We distinguish between substantial and non-substantial defects. A material defect is one that the party in breach of the contract already knew or should have known at the time of concluding the contract, that the other party would not have concluded the contract if it had foreseen this defect. In the case of a defect that is insignificant (regardless of whether the defect is removable or non-removable), you are entitled to the removal of the defect or a reasonable discount on the price. When making a complaint, you are obliged to tell us which right you have chosen. Changing the choice without our consent is only possible if you have requested the repair of a defect that turns out to be irreparable. If you do not choose your right from a material defect in time, you have the same rights as in the case of a non-material defect. If rectification or replacement of the service is not possible, you can request a full refund of the price on the basis of withdrawal from the contract. If we prove that you knew about the defect before taking over the service or caused it yourself, we are not obliged to honor your claim.
We will handle the complaint within 30 days at the latest, unless we agree on a longer period with you in writing. If you are a consumer, you have the right to withdraw from the contract after this period has expired.
If you are acting in relation to us as a consumer, you have the right to reimbursement of purposefully incurred costs for making a complaint, these costs are understood as the lowest possible. You must request reimbursement of these costs without undue delay, but no later than one month from the end of the period for exercising rights from defective performance. Please note that you cannot complain about a training course just because it did not meet your subjective expectations.


VII. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

7.1. All legal relationships resulting from your order, contract, these terms and conditions, our performance or breach or failure to comply with obligations on our or your part are governed by Czech law.
7.2. In the case of a customer who is not a consumer, the local jurisdiction of the court competent for Bestschool’s registered office is hereby agreed upon for all disputes. In the case of a consumer, the competent court for resolving disputes is according to the currently valid and effective legal regulations.
7.3. If we fail to resolve a complaint, complaint or other dispute directly, the customer-consumer has the right to an out-of-court settlement of the consumer dispute based on Act No. 378/2015 amending Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection.
The subject (ADR) of the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes between Bestschool and the customer – the consumer is the Czech Trade Inspection or another entity authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, see http://www.mpo.cz/dokument169867.html. With the Czech Trade Inspection, the consumer has the option to submit a proposal via an online form available on the website of the Czech Trade Inspection: https://adr.coi.cz/cs. The consumer can submit a proposal to the Czech Trade Inspection or an authorized entity no later than 1 year from the day on which he asserted his complaint, claim or other right that is the subject of a dispute with the seller for the first time.
A consumer living in one of the EU Member States can also submit a proposal for an out-of-court resolution of a consumer dispute with a seller established in one of the EU Member States through the EU out-of-court consumer dispute resolution platform, which is available online at: https://webgate.ec.europa .eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=CS .
If the disputing parties are not satisfied with the quality of the out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute and believe that the rules for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes have been violated during the proceedings, they can submit a complaint to the address of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic or to the email address adr@mpo.cz.
In the case of cross-border disputes, the European Consumer Center Czech Republic (http://www.evropskyspotrebitel.cz/) helps consumers to access the relevant body for the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes.
The parties bear the costs associated with the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes.

VIII. Personal data protection

The protection of personal data is stated in a separate document that is available on the website https://bestschool.cz/privacy-policy

XI. Final provisions

9.1. These terms and conditions, in conjunction with the order you place, constitute an agreement on the content of the contract for the provision of our services. If any part of it becomes invalid, the other provisions remain in force.

These general terms and conditions are effective from: 13 February 2024

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